All Clues Are Worth Exploring

Sometimes when we experience an emotion, we pretend it’s not there. Have you ever felt sad and pushed that feeling away? A Kind Mind Detective doesn’t ignore clues; they look closely at everything.

Some emotions feel good and sometimes they can be uncomfortable, but all emotions are worth exploring. An emotion can sometimes cloud our minds and come over us like a rainstorm, building and building until it pours, but all storms eventually end. Sometimes it just takes longer than we want, so we can take some breaths and know that this emotion is just a clue to help us decide what to do next. The most important thing is that we look at the clues, are curious about them, and make sure we give ourselves, and others, time to accept them before moving on.

The next time you get a big emotion storm, try to be kind to yourself and others and ask your parent or caregiver to do the same thing. All storms eventually pass.

  • CHALLENGE 1: Think of a time you had a big emotion storm and you ignored the clues. Draw what the storm felt like inside your brain or write down some of the emotions you had. Hint: look back at the feeling wheel if you need to

  • CHALLENGE 2: Share that experience with a parent or caregiver. Ask them if they’ve ever ignored an emotion storm and to share with you what happened.