The stakes have never been higher. It’s time to double down on mental health.

Join us for a nig​ht to remember at our first annual High Stakes Casino Night at Hollywood Theatre! Time to put on your sharpest Bond suit and Casino Royale dress for a night of cocktails, games, auctions, dancing and a thrilling stunt show provided by Habethy Films for their upcoming production of The Quiet Canadians. All funds raised will help to ensure children and youth in BC are getting access to the mental health care they need, when they need it.

NoVEMBER 27 th, 6-11pm

Ticket includes signature cocktail, hors d'oeuvres, games and entertainment.

Dress Code: Bond. James Bond. This is a chance to dress up in your Casino Royale attire and walk the red carpet in style.

Interested in sponsoring or donating an auction item? Every little bit matters and we appreciate the support! Please email us at

​We cannot wait to see you for a night to remember!

Where the donations will go

Over the decades our Foundation has partnered with incredible organization that deliver vital mental health support to our community. From Kelty Mental Health at BC Children’s Hospital to The BC Crisis Center to Jack.Org, we could not be more proud of the work being done. That being said, we have found that many people in the community are still not aware these incredible resources exisit and are available to them. This is our mission. We want to connect the work being done with the people who need it. We want mental health to be treated like physical health, where each and every parent knows basic mental health first aid and where to turn when they are concerned or worse… in crisis. This information must get to families BEFORE they need it. That’s why our team has partnered up to deliver the first ever Confi-DANCE school program that ensures resources reaches families in a memorable, impactful and meaningful way. It’s a party with a purpose, and YOU are invited. Attend our event to find out more about this ground breaking initaitive.


Headlined by Vancouver’s top kids DJ—Rock’N Beau, this isn’t just a school dance —it's a party with a purpose. The ConfiDANCE Tour will connect thousands of families across Vancouver and BC with mental health resources and tools, raising crucial awareness about what is available for both parents and children when they are in need.

In the month leading up to our ConfiDANCE event, our Kind Mind program will engage teachers, students, and parents with mental health workbooks designed by child psychologists, kindness challenges, and optional workshops from our partner mental health organizations across Canada. Most importantly, resources will be sent home to parents so they know where to turn when they need answers. All these activities will build up to an epic Dance Party, where DJ Rock’N Beau will transform a school dance into a party with a powerful purpose. As students enjoy the music, games, and prizes, they’ll also receive valuable tips on maintaining their mental well-being, reinforcing the lessons learned throughout the Kind Mind Month. Free for schools with limited spots available!

Let’s dance, connect, and change lives together!

If you have an auction item or know someone who might be willing to donate one please contact Every little bit counts! Thank you so much for your support.

Don’t have an auction item but want to support the cause? Please donate below

It’s time to DOUBLE DOWN for mental health.

Join our mission.

About The Kelty Foundation

At the Kelty Foundation, our mission is to create a meaningful impact by funding organizations dedicated to reaching and supporting youth precisely when and how they need it most.   Over the past 15 years, we raised close to 8 million and achieved significant milestones, including:

  • The Kelty Mental Health Resource Centre at BC Children's Hospital

  • The Kelty Dennehy Mental Health Resource Centre at Lions Gate Hospital

  • VGH/UBC Hospital Foundation -  Centre for Excellence - Depression Research

  • BC Crisis Centre -Suicide Prevention Workshops and 1-on-1 Chat Lines

  • Key partnerships with BC Crisis Centre, UBC,, Vancouver  General  Hospital,, Whistler Community Services and more.

The Kelty Patrick Dennehy Foundation  came to be  when  Kerry and Ginny Dennehy lost their 17-year-old son, Kelty, to depression.  Their grief ignited a determination to help other children and youth access mental health support.  Our aim is to increase prevention, addressing the determinants of mental health problems to more effectively curb and manage them; and improve access to care, making it easier and more available to those in need. 

Thank you for being a part of the solution.