Solving The Mystery

As Kind Mind Detectives we have learned that we need to be (K) kind to our minds, (I) investigate our body’s emotion clues, and (N) notice the hidden emotion. Finally, we now need to (D) discover what may help us cope with an emotion storm.

K – Keep kind to yourself and others

I – Investigate emotion clues

N – Notice the hidden emotion

D – Discover healthy strategies to cope with emotional storms

Now it’s time for you to solve the mystery and discover what coping strategies work for you. Here are some coping strategies to try:

  • Name the emotion: Say I feel (big emotion) because I’m feeling this

  • Positive self talk: "This feels hard, but I’m doing my best."

  • Write down or draw how you feel

  • Tell someone how you feel

  • Take deep slow breaths using tools such as rollercoaster breathing or 4 square breathing

  • Remind yourself what you are grateful for

  • Remind yourself that the big feeling will get smaller and all storms pass

  • Be generous: do something kind for yourself or others

  • Get help from a trusted adult and reach out for more support if needed

  • CHALLENGE 1: Use the thought bubble to draw out or write all the different coping strategies you could use to be kind to your mind

  • CHALLENGE 2: Share 3 ways your parent or caregiver could support you when you are having a big emotion

  • CHALLENGE 3: Show your parent the resource page at the back of this booklet and give them the magnet to put on your fridge.

    Yay! Your challenges are complete!